Services Provided

Experienced in helping people with the following needs:

LGBTQIA+ Specific Matters

Identity Exploration,  Development; Questioning; Sexuality and Acceptance.  Exploration of how love can look differently and questioning if social norms of our parents serve us as queer people  (open relationships, open marriages, poly, monogamous). Sex positivity +.

Mental Health Concerns

Depression; Mood & Anxiety Disorders; Traumas, Bipolar I/II Disorder, gender dysphoria, and aging issues.

Codependency, Addiction, Substance Abuse

Abstinence & Harm Reduction Models  (no judgement zone) (the last thing you need is to be judged by your therapist).

Gender-Affirming Care

Transgender, Non-Binary, Gender Non-Conforming, Gender Diversity; Gender-Affirming Letters; Self Acceptance; Family Member Journey

Familial Issues Past & Present

Processing past childhood trauma(s) & development

Grief & Loss

Navigating life after the passing of loved ones (including pets)

How Do I Know if Therapy is Right for Me?

At some point in life, we all face challenges that test our mental and emotional strength. Often, these situations can prove difficult to cope with on our own. So how do you know when seeking therapy is the right choice?

The truth is, there is no simple answer to this question. It varies from person to person. However, if you feel persistently unhappy, anxious or stressed, or if your emotional wellbeing is impacting your relationships or work-life, it may be time to consider therapy.

Remember, seeking professional help does not mean you are weak, but rather a sign of strength and resilience to take control of your well-being.

Therapists can provide impartial and valuable insights, skills to improve your emotional well-being, and a safe and trusting outlet for you to express your thoughts and feelings. Ultimately, the decision to seek therapy is a personal one, and it is essential to listen to your gut instinct and do what is best for you.

Our first session

Our first session we do some basic ground rules, rapport building, and complete an intake assessment with you.  These can be anywhere from 60-90 minutes. I’ll need your help to get a sense of what brings you into therapy, and other assessment related questions. 

This will help us identify where we should go from there with therapy.  Everyone is different, and I look forward to building a plan that suits your needs.

From intake, if you feel like it’s a good fit and would like to proceed, we move to Individual sessions. They are typically 45-55 minutes one time a week. 

As you progress in your goals/treatment, we can move to biweekly or whatever best fits your needs and schedule. 

For the first few months, if possible, weekly sessions are best to begin feel comfortable in peeling back any layers you may have hidden away that keep you from your best and authentic self.